Se mistä kaikki alkoi...
Minulla on hirvittävän hyvä mielikuvitus sekä intoa pursuava luonne. Pääni täyttyy ideoista joskus vähän liikaakin ja puran niitä milloin tarinoiksi, scrapbookkaukseen, kitarankielille, savimöykkyyn tai taulukankaalle. Nyt kun muotoilukärpänen on päässyt puremaan minua, tunnen viimein löytäneeni sen lapsuuden haaveen, jossa halusin tulla keksijäksi. Näitä kyhäilyjä onkin kertynyt jo mukavasti vuosien varrella. Haluan jakaa joitain parhaita paloja teidän kanssanne, jotka eksytte sivuilleni syystä tai toisesta.
;) Toivon teille siis mukavia ja inspiroivia lukuhetkiä Bloggerin parissa! <3
I have an awfully good imagination and my personality is bursting with enthusiasm. My head sometimes fills up with all these new ideas almost too quickly so I'm putting them into stories, scrapbooking, playing guitar, sculpting or painting. Now that I've gotten into designing I can finally say I've found that fantasy again I had as a kid: becoming an inventor. I've made pretty much of this stuff during the years so now I'd like to share some of the best parts with you who just might get lost in here and find my blog for a reason or another.
I hope you'll have pleasant and inspiring times with Blogger! <3
I have an awfully good imagination and my personality is bursting with enthusiasm. My head sometimes fills up with all these new ideas almost too quickly so I'm putting them into stories, scrapbooking, playing guitar, sculpting or painting. Now that I've gotten into designing I can finally say I've found that fantasy again I had as a kid: becoming an inventor. I've made pretty much of this stuff during the years so now I'd like to share some of the best parts with you who just might get lost in here and find my blog for a reason or another.
I hope you'll have pleasant and inspiring times with Blogger! <3
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